Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The ' R ' Factor

While the attractiveness of an offshore location is usually measured by the availability of manpower, skills, business environment and cost, political and economic risks are often not taken into account while choosing an offshore location. Risk management firm Aon’s political and economic risk map for 2006, gives an interesting insight into the risk profile of a location.

Interestingly, most of the tier 1offshore locations – India, China, Russia, and Mexico – are labeled medium risk locations.

And some Low Risk Locations : Czech Republic, Slovakia, Chile

Download AT Kearney Location Attractiveness Study



Anonymous said...

hey saumya wht made u so studious that u didn't even leave 360 out of it.:P just kidding.

Well, i have some doubt with this chart, as according to my survey "Philiphines" comes in 1tier and is the 1st choice for offshore. having lowrisk in comparision to other locations of the world.

sorry dear if its wrong. or u mind about it.

K. K said...

oh gawd .. my dear friend ur stag missed and ur not in any saumya's blog !

And abt Philippines : Yup its one of the preffered offshore destination , like india. But thr Risk analysis showing its in the meadium high isk category.